What letters are vowels
What letters are vowels

what letters are vowels

The vowels are a, e, i, o, and u, and in some cases, y. Instead, they differentiate sounds based on pitch, accent, volume, and duration. Unlike consonants, vowels do not involve closing the vocal tract. These letters are known as “sometimes consonants.” Always consonants Some letters, however, can represent more than one sound, including both consonant and vowel sounds.

what letters are vowels

Most letters of the English alphabet are consonants. The opposite of consonants are vowels, which do not involve closing the vocal tract. These sounds involve a partial or complete closure of the vocal tract: for example, placing the tongue behind the front teeth, as with the consonants t and d or closing your lips, as with the consonants b, m, and p. Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Write with Grammarly What is a consonant?Ĭonsonants are letters that stand for a type of sound we use in speech.

What letters are vowels